Specifics of this product line . . .

Product Details - Set No. 563 Comeng Series 1 - 4 car set - CityDecker with yellow doors

Set No. 563  Comeng Series 1 - 4 car set - CityDecker with yellow doors
Set No. 563 Comeng Series 1 - 4 car set - CityDecker with yellow doors

Part No: Set No. 563

1 x Power Car (motorised), 2 x Tulloch Double Deck Trailers, 1 x Power car (Dummy)

The Mk.1 series of suburban cars where all cars were of double deck design. This set replaced the Sputnik power cars (single deck) with double deck stainless steel power cars. This set represents the last era of this set combination and livery was changed to stainless steel power cars, grey trailers, all doors painted safety yellow.

$AUD 695
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* Prices marked in red indicates a Discount is applied - see Clearance Page specials for more details!

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